Our Strategies

In the summer of 2017, Home for All established three work groups, each with individual and complimentary objectives, that working together and independently, move us toward our two primary goals: Expanding affordable and deeply affordable housing and preventing homelessness, housing instability, and eviction in the Greater Seacoast area.

Work groups and their purposes include:


Housing Opportunities

Identify and implement strategies to increase housing opportunities for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness through landlord engagement and new affordable housing development.

Supportive Services

Identify and implement the improvement and expansion of comprehensive and wide-ranging supportive housing services for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness. 

Public Awareness and Advocacy

Develop a coordinated public education and awareness campaign that engages the community to work together toward eradicating homelessness in the Greater Seacoast, and wherever possible and appropriate, advocate on behalf of policies that help drive the mission of ending homelessness and keeping housing within reach on the Seacoast for the most vulnerable community members.