

Home for All, convened in 2009 by United Way of the Greater Seacoast as the Greater Seacoast Coalition to End Homelessness, is a partnership between service providers, government, business, education, healthcare, community leaders and other stakeholders.   We are dedicated to mobilizing resources (human, financial, community), assisting with the ongoing assessment of needs and opportunities, and developing/implementing collaborative, coordinated and proven strategies for reducing, and ultimately eliminating, the issue of homelessness in the region.


With more than $300,000 in funding from United Way of the Greater Seacoast since 2009, some highlights of the coalition’s successes include:

2010-Commissioned a comprehensive needs and resources assessment around homelessness in the Seacoast.

2011-Attended the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference to learn about promising practices for preventing and ending homelessness.

2012-Developed, implemented and provided financial support for two years via an investment by United Way of the Greater Seacoast for a Coordinated Entry system for the service area, which includes a single point of access for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness.  The single point of access includes an assessment of the individual/family circumstance and need, and assists with the coordination of housing/shelter.  The Coordinated Entry system remains in place today and is operated by Community Action Partnership of Strafford County.

2014-Organized and hosted the Community Summit on Homelessness and Housing.  The Summit brought together dozens of stakeholders, consumers and community leaders to further identify and prioritize opportunities to address homelessness in the seacoast.  One emerging theme/opportunity was the need to further coordinate care and services for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

2015-Launched two Community Care Teams (CCTs) in the region.  CCTs are comprised of clinical and non-clinical service providers from 48 area agencies. The CCT serves frequent Emergency Department visitors and other vulnerable populations with complex medical and behavioral health needs (over half are homeless or unstably housed). The CCT seeks to remove barriers to care and improve the coordination of existing services.


In the summer of 2017, Home for All established three work groups, each with individual and complimentary objectives, that working together and independently, move us toward our two primary goals: Expanding affordable and deeply affordable housing and preventing eviction in the Greater Seacoast area. Work groups and their purposes include:

Housing Opportunities-Identify and implement strategies to increase housing opportunities for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness, with a first-year focus on engaging landlords to provide affordable housing or to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Supportive Services-Identify and implement the improvement and expansion of comprehensive and wide-ranging supportive housing services for those at risk of or experiencing homelessness. 

Public Education and Advocacy-Develop a coordinated public education and awareness campaign that engages the community to work together toward eradicating homelessness in the seacoast, and wherever possible and appropriate, advocate on behalf of policies that help drive the mission of ending homelessness on the Seacoast.

Home for All welcomes the participation of vested stakeholders and members of the community. To learn more or get involved: